3 Amazing Facts To Improve Your Self-Esteem
When someone leaves you, you feel alone, you feel like you are worthless, your self-esteem is low, and your ego is damaged. You can’t believe it happened and you don’t know what to do. You were in such a steady place and now you have nothing to lean on, nothing but yourself.
The fact that only you can heal yourself and fix your broken heart can be really scary. When your self-esteem is low you won’t have the ability to support yourself and lift yourself. This will leave you in a loop of sadness and self-judgment. On the other hand, when you increase your self-esteem, believe in yourself, and have more self-confidence, you will be able to start a new journey toward your happiness, heal your broken heart and become a stronger, better person. But you are here because you want to make a change so let’s dive into our article.
Crying can help
The first thing you need to know is that crying and being sad is normal. If you weren’t sad after a breakup it would be strange, you had real feelings for your ex, and you wanted to continue your life with them, and it didn’t happen. Let yourself grieve, cry, and be sad, it’s part of your healing process. Crying doesn’t make you weak, you might be saying “why do I cry because of that loser” and maybe you are angry with yourself, but the opposite is the truth. Crying will make you stronger, it will make you feel better. Think about the times you wanted to cry but you didn’t, you held it as strong as you could, do you remember how horrible it felt, faking our feelings can hurt. And now think about the times you cried all night and how good you felt the next day when you let everything out. This is what I am trying to say. Studies show that crying releases chemicals that help ease both physical and emotional pain. It will decrease pressure and you will feel instant relief. There’s a quote of Johnny Depp I like:” People cry, not because they’re weak. It’s because they’ve been strong for too long”. Let yourself cry, let the pain goo, you deserve it, don’t be strong when you don’t need to.
Don’t let anyone break you
Another thing I want you to understand is that if someone broke up with you and left you, it doesn’t mean you are less. People think that if someone doesn’t want them in his life it means they are worthless, but the opposite is the truth. It just reflects the other person who didn’t appreciate you. I remember that after my ex broke up with me, I was afraid no one would ever love me. I thought that if I loved her and gave her everything and she didn’t love me, no one would. It was a really scary thought, it made my healing process much harder, but then I realized this is so wrong. She has made her choice but there are so many people out there who would love to meet me and be with me. Don’t let one person determine your self-worth. Don’t let your past determine your self-worth. A breakup is so common, you aren’t alone and it’s not the end of the world. You will find someone else who will love you the way you deserve. Just remember:” If you gave everything and it wasn’t enough, you gave it to the wrong person”.
Ask others to help, don’t do it alone
I told you that to increase your self-esteem and ego you have to be there for yourself. It’s a good idea to ask friends to help you and use other information like this podcast or books, but first of all, you have to be there for yourself. Being for yourself means knowing you aren’t perfect and still accepting yourself with your flaws. Once you understand no one is perfect, once you understand everyone has fears and things they suck at, once you understand everyone wants to love and be loved, you know you can love yourself. During the following weeks and while you try my tips, you will have 2 voices in your head, one that will support you and one who will judge every step you do. Your goal is to make the supportive voice stronger and stronger until the one who judges you is so weak, and you can’t hear it. Don’t hate yourself because you have that voice, it just there to protect you. Also, it’s known that self-compassion can affect in a positive way our health so it’s very important. It will take practice but it’s important to achieve, remember:” Love yourself first because that’s who you’ll be spending the rest of your life with”. What is your way to love yourself? Write down in our Facebook group so others can be inspired. And if you aren’t part of our group it’s time to join the amazing community.
Let’s Connect
Do you feel lonely? Do you feel like no one understands your pain? I have good news for you, you’re not alone! There are so many people who are in your place and this why I created a supportive community. Join our amazing Facebook group and connect with others who try to heal their broken heart. You will also get access to more information, tips and my personal support. Click here to join the group!
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