Your Ex Doesn’t Matter Anymore

Banuel Dogayman
3 min readMay 7, 2021


After a breakup, people tend to give their ex too much importance, but the truth is that your ex doesn’t matter. In this episode, I want to explain why your ex doesn’t matter, it’s your time to shine and to focus on yourself.

Many times, when someone wants to do things after the breakup. They think if their ex will like it or not. They want to delete them on Facebook, they want to start seeing someone else or just anything else they want. And why they don’t do it? Because they’re afraid of their ex’s opinion. Your ex isn’t in life anymore, why would you give them the power to decide what you can do in your life today.

Stop doing things you think your ex will love and stop not doing things you think your ex won’t love. Your life is your life, after a breakup you have to think about yourself and be happy. You have to do what you think will help you the most. Don’t let your ex decide for you, especially when they aren’t in your life anymore. Because giving someone else to control your life is the worst thing you can do.

You can be angry with your ex, you can feel hurt, you can feel confused, it’s normal. But none of these feelings mean you have to satisfy your ex because you don’t. No one, and especially not your ex, can decide what is right for you. Only you have to do it.

Another thing you should stop doing is thinking about your ex’s life. You shouldn’t care if your ex has a new girlfriend or if he’s happy without you or if he has a new life. He is a free person and he can do whatever they want, you have no right to prevent it. I am sorry I can’t tell you the words and sentences you want to hear, but I’m here to tell you the truth because I really care about you and I want you to heal your broken heart. To so, you have to accept the reality and you have to think only about yourself and the people who are in your life. Your ex isn’t in your life, they are part of the past so please leave them there.

Your ex was a huge part of your life, so it’s normal their opinion was important, but not anymore. You are living in the present and you have to make it amazing. Leave your ex where he should be, in the past, and rebuild yourself and your future. This is how you heal a broken heart.

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Banuel Dogayman

I share my learning journey of finding medicine for a broken heart. Join my facebook group: