It’s Time To Listen To Your Heart
Every relationship is different, and every person is different. The pain you feel after a breakup can be influenced by so many factors. Some “gurus” tell you, you need to heal your heart after a week or a month, but this is so wrong.
Every breakup is different because you have your personality and your feelings, you have your values and the way you were educated, your relationship was different. Your goals are different and in general everyone is unique, and you are also. So why when our heart breaks people expect us to act in the same way?
A broken heart is a difficult situation, it hurts, it’s painful, it consumes a lot of energy. It’s possible to heal from it and overcome it, there’s no question about it. But some things can make it even harder and more painful.
When you rush yourself to forget your ex, you hurt yourself, you make the healing process harder. Maybe you don’t understand why you feel the way you feel and you’re angry with yourself. I talked with a lot of people who feel stupid because they still miss their ex and still love them even though it ended. They panic and don’t understand why it’s so hard. Maybe you’re one of them. Your mind understands something your heart doesn’t, and you think you’re going crazy.
Maybe your friends and family don’t support you and don’t understand why you are doing a big deal about this thing. You feel pressure from them, they want you to already move on and to forget your ex. Or maybe your ex already moved on, and you feel you have to move on also, you don’t understand how they forgot you so fast and you still left behind, crying for them.
But when you understand that you are unique and that the way you feel is okay, you will be able to move on. When you understand that anyone has his own heart and needs his time to move on, you will be able to be happy with yourself. Because moving on isn’t only about doing the right things. There are a lot of mistakes you should avoid doing, they are a lot of good things you can do. But before it, moving on is about having self-compassion, is about loving yourself, is about eliminating all the self-judgment.
Moving on is about believing, believing in yourself, in the process. You can do it, just believe in yourself, because I can’t help if you don’t believe you can. I can’t guide you if you aren’t ready to help yourself.
A breakup is a complicated situation, when you blame, judge, or angry with yourself, you add layers of anxiety to the situation. Your goal is to understand that you’re just a human that going through something normal and it will take you as much time as it will take you to move on. Love yourself, believe in yourself and magic will happen!
Let’s Connect
Do you feel lonely? Do you feel like no one understands your pain? I have good news for you, you’re not alone! There are so many people who are in your place and this why I created a supportive community. Join our amazing Facebook group and connect with others who try to heal their broken heart. You will also get access to more information, tips and my personal support. Click here to join the group!
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