The 3 Mistakes You Shouldn’t Do After A Breakup
Today we will discuss the 3 mistakes you shouldn’t do after a breakup.
Even though our heart breaks, it affects the whole body. Healing our broken heart starts from the mind. People believe that only time can fix a broken heart, I’m sure you all heard the sentence: “Don’t worry time heals everything”. It’s frustrating to hear this because we can’t control time and also in most cases it’s not true. When we’re sick, our body knows how to heal itself, but when our heart breaks, our mind doesn’t know how to heal it. But fortunately, with daily practice, we can work on it and teach our minds how to heal.
The first mistake we do is that we are dramatic. We think the pain we feel is abnormal, we think it’s something that we won’t be able to fix. We think it’s the end of the world and nothing will help us to feel better. Heartbreak is a difficult situation and we’re in the middle of a roller coaster. When we become stressed, we add another layer to the situation, and we make it even more complicated. The stress affects you negatively, you can’t think of anything else, you can’t do anything else and it seems like a loop that you can’t stop.
You should try to make the situation as simple as possible. Adding layers of stress and anxiety will make the healing process longer and harder. Don’t rush your feelings, give yourself time to accept reality. It’s normal to be sad, to cry. You’ve lost someone you love. Don’t be dramatic about what you feel. When you understand that you’re going through a difficult situation and what you feel is normal, things are getting better. Let the stress and anxiety go, let love and light come in. This is how you heal a broken heart.
The second mistake we do is that we feel shame and guilt. We think we are exaggerating with our reaction, we think we’re going crazy. We think others don’t understand us and also judge us and we judge ourselves. Just as stress and anxiety, adding layers of shame and guilt is a bad idea and will make the healing process harder.
You have to understand that you aren’t the only person in the world who is going through a breakup. It happened to many people, it happened to me as well. You don’t have to feel ashamed of something natural. It’s part of life and love to feel the pain and it’s something temporal. When you understand that you’re one of many, and you’re in an unpleasant situation but a normal one, you will be able to let the shame go.
The third mistake we do is that we let the pain define who we are. We are going through a very painful period and we feel bad. We don’t see any hope and we are helpless. Maybe we believe that a broken heart can be fixed, but not in our case, our case is more complicated, and it can’t be healed. We believe that we will never love again, we will never trust someone again, we will never be happy again, at least not as before.
We are in a very fragile time and we let it define who we are, and who we will be. It’s a huge mistake, don’t judge yourself and don’t make decisions under such conditions. A broken heart is something very painful and it’s normal that you can’t act as usual and that you’re afraid. All of your thoughts and fears are natural, your body tries to protect you from feeling the pain. It’s trying to look for answers and solutions, it’s like a shield. I can tell you that if you give yourself a chance and you do your best to heal yourself, it will happen. You will be able to love again, to trust again, to be happy again. It doesn’t mean you will forget what happened, and you shouldn’t. It’s a good lesson to learn from but learn what you need and let it go. Don’t hold into the past and the mistakes. Don’t let the past and the mistakes define who you are. Only you can decide who you are and who you want to be.
I know it’s hard and I know it’s painful, you don’t need to pretend it’s not. But it can be cured, you can work on it and you will see daily progress. Let go of the stress, the anxiety, the fears, the shame, the guilt, and the self-judgment. Fill yourself with compassion, with hope and with motivation to work on yourself because the reward that waits for you is amazing.
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