What Do You Feel After a Breakup?

Banuel Dogayman
2 min readOct 27, 2018


Six months of my life I have spent with the woman I loved the most. Every single day during these days I thought about her, I imagined our future shared life. I was sure we would be together forever. I was having the best times of my life and it all was, thank her. She was my universe, my whole world, my dreams, and my fears. She was everything I ever dreamed of.

One day, without even thinking about it she invited me to her home, we broke up. I begged her and said I would change, I would be better, I would be the one she wanted. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to convince her to stay. I went home, crying all the way home thinking about our relationship.

I wanted her to come back with me, I want her again in my life. I felt a huge hole in my heart, a hole I believed only she could fill and heal. I was hurt and didn’t know what to do. I was afraid of what other people would say, my parents would say, how would I manage alone, without her, the love of my life. I desired that we would come back again, I wished my pain would be over.

The days without her passed so slow, I thought I would never be able to smile again, to love again, to move on. It took me a lot of time and pain to discover the way to fill my hole without her help and to become who I am today: a happy person!

Let’s Connect

Do you feel lonely? Do you feel like no one understands your pain? I have good news for you, you’re not alone! There are so many people who are in your place and this why I created a supportive community. Join our amazing Facebook group and connect with others who try to heal their broken heart. You will also get access to more information, tips and my personal support. Click here to join the group!

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Banuel Dogayman

I share my learning journey of finding medicine for a broken heart. Join my facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/UnbeatableHeart