When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us
Most of the time when our heart is broken, we see black. We only see the bad things, we miss our ex, we regret what happened. We wonder about all the “what if”, all the “could have” and etc.
What we never do, and we should do, is to stop, to reflect, to understand and think about the positives impact of a broken heart. We can learn a lot of new things about relationships and about us in general. For sure, many new opportunities will come soon and much more.
You should be always able to look at things in an optimistic way!
Let’s Connect
Do you feel lonely? Do you feel like no one understands your pain? I have good news for you, you’re not alone! There are so many people who are in your place and this why I created a supportive community. Join our amazing Facebook group and connect with others who try to heal their broken heart. You will also get access to more information, tips and my personal support. Click here to join the group!
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